Meet the artist: Stephanie Hess

words by Philip Carton in "The Business Post"

Dublin-based sculptor Stephanie Hess creates bronze works inspired by the animal kingdom. She observes her subjects with a playful eye , interpreting their characteristics with a sense of whimsy and tenderness.


For Hess, sculpture is all about joy, and this is reflected in the bright and innovative patinas she carefully develops for her pieces. She is a regular exhibitor at Sculpture in Context in the National Botanical Gardens, Dublin and in the Royal Ulster Academy's Annual Exhibition.


In 2015 she was awarded the ESB Moran Award for Outstanding Sculpture at the prestigious Royal Hibernian Academy Annual Exhibition. In 2023 her sculpture March Hare was acquired by The Doyle Collection for The Westbury Hotel and in 2021/2022 she was commissioned to create The Lord Mayor of Dublin Awards, The Freedom of the City of Dublin Award and the inaugural Lord Mayor of Dublin Youth Awards.


Her Red Panda sculpture, recently commissoned by Dublin Zoo, can be viewed at the red panda enclosure in the newly opened Himalayan Hills habitat. 


A Day At The Zoo, an exhibition of 16 new bronzes by Stephanie Hess, opens on May 30 at the Solomon Gallery, Dublin.




How my artistic journey began


I cant remember a time when art wasn't part of my life. My mother was passionate about the arts and our home was always filled with music, painting and sculpture.


There were shelves of beautiful art books and catalogues which I pored over. I particularly remember Les Trésors de VENISE, a large volume filled with gorgeous glossy plates which I soent countless hours immersed in. My mother brought me to museums and galleries in every country we travelled to, and from the moment I made my first mudpie as a toddler I was supported  and encouraged to explore as many artistic endeavours as I could.


Artists who have influenced me


My childhood bookshelf has been a huge influence in my life. The sotires and illustrations of Beatrix Botter, Richard Scarry , AA Milne and Kenneth Grahame (illustrations by EH Shepard), Janet and Anne Grahame Johnstone, to name but a few, have given me a sense that anything is possible in a world inhabited by animals who sail rafts, bake pies, drive cars, make cups of tea and head off on adventures.


I have a collection of 


Boxes. They range in size and shape from hatboxes, pirates' chests, octagonal, suitcase style and round - some are wooden, trimmed in leather and silk, others are enamel, papier maché, tin or porcelain. They all look decorative but serve a practical purpose, storing (and hiding) everything from jewellery, to art supplies and tech.


An artist whose work I would collect if I could


Erté. I love the elegant lines of his works.


A place that means a lot to me 


Mallorca. Three generations of my family have lived and holidayed on the island. There is a feeling of home there.


A place I'd like to visit


Egypt. As long as I can remember it has been a dream to see the ancient sights there.


In another life I would have been


An archaeologist.


The best piece of advice I have ever received


"Don't wish your life away waiting to get to the future - enjoy the era that you are living now."



May 26, 2024